“Sisterhood of the World Bloggers” Award

sisterhood-of-the-worldI was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award by Kristin with Beauty Marks. I am so incredibly thankful to have been nominated for this award. It means the world to me knowing that someone liked my blog enough to nominate me for an award.

The rules are as follows:Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. Put the Award logo on your blog. Answer the ten questions sent to you. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Nominate seven blogs.

1. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog in the next year? My goals aren’t to gain followers or to become famous. I just want to blog about my life so I can look back through it in the years to come and look back on what I’ve been through to reflect about my life. I just hope to update more often that I usually do so I have more to look back on other than a few sporadic posts throughout the year.

2. What prompted you to start blogging? I’ve always been a writer at heart. I get ideas in my head of what I want to write about and I need to write them down or I’ll go nuts thinking about it. IT’s more of a therapeutic thing for me. I need to get certain things off my chest, or just to document my life. I needed an outlet so I started my blog.

3. Do you think a good writer has to be a good reader? Yes I do. The best writers read a lot. A lot a lot. How else would you know what to do and what not to do? You need to verse yourself in the writing world in order to know what works for you and what doesn’t.

4. Tell me about your happiest moment. In the blogging world? It would be when I hit 500 followers on my blog. Never in a million years would I think that many people would want to follow my blog nad read about whatever I had to say. When I started, I hoped for maybe 100 people to follow me, but so many people in WordPress are supportive of other writers. That’s what keeps me here.

5. What inspired your latest post? I am a part of Blogging 101, which inspired the last post. We had to write to our dream reader I chose to write about my best friend.

6. Now, go back to your first post, has your writing style changed at all? Oh absolutely! My first post was actually a quote, but my first REAL post was written Dec 2011 while intoxicated and about an ex. It was a poem titled “Back to September”, however, I now write more of blog posts instead of poetry. I should really get back into poetry.

7. Do your friends & family read your blog? It’s all public and everyone knows I write, although I don’t announce it on my personal Facebook, which is where most people find updates about my life. So friends that I have on Twitter and my mother read my blog. I’m not afraid to have them read anything anymore. I used to be, but not anymore.

What’s your favorite meal? Mexican food. Hands down!!

What is your biggest motivation? Being able to connect with other bloggers and give them advice.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This question has always been tough to answer. My life has taken some major turns over the past couple of years, and I would have never guessed that this is where I would be only two years ago. So if I had to guess if this is where I would be five years ago? No. Not where I would guess… although NOT complaining. I love where my life is at. So Josh and I are moving into our house the beginning of February… we have a few projects that we want to do with the house, so I’m hoping we will have those done within five years. I’d like to have run away and get married to Josh by then. I’m hoping to have enrolled in a Master’s program for writing.

My Nominees

1. “Don’t Read This.
2. “My Gap Year In Stockings”
3. “Red Shoes”
4. “Totontotopdating”
5. “The Singing Optimist”
6. “Passive Aggressive Abuse”
7, “Starting Over as Ms.”

Everyone can answer the same questions that I have. 🙂


19 thoughts on ““Sisterhood of the World Bloggers” Award

  1. its one thing to have lots of followers or views, but to have enough influence that someone nominates you for an award is awesome. congrats and keep up the good work!

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